Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Poetry - Two Souls


Two Souls 

You knew from the start - I saw and said she’s the one 

 Some mysterious times so that you got to find me by divine intervention 

There was a period so we could to wonder and then knowing for sure 

Nothing is hard when you have each other full of trust and those feelings

Some little mistakes made by each of us then God pushed us together for a true love

We discovered that completion in our lives uniting souls full of a need and wanting   

We are started with hope and anticipation and then you wanting more then embracing God’s light 

 Then taking some stolen moments with us wanting more finding us entwined in love 

You took a chance when a message brought back what had been lost but still hoped for 

We were wondering if God would permit that connection and you were wondering do I dare 

There were wandering hearts seeming lost but finding each other once again 

Hoping that you are ready as we await that time when we can dance together in wildness 

Our voices reassure and enflame each other as our souls meet knowingly 

We. are trusting in God’s miracles coming to match what our hearts feel  

We are ow united in body soul and mind as we realise this is our time and a celebration  

David. K Patterson April 20-2021 

These words flow thru me as I feel my Jamie Lynn even closer with her love for me 

xxx ooo xxx ooo 

I love you so much even more than these words can even capture