Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Poetry - Blue Water

Blue Water

We find ourselves in a new place,
Certainly something that we never expected.

We were sailing along quite fine,
Close to the shore, but getting nowhere.

A light appeared from above, angels too,
Could this be what we really need right now ??

 Do we even dare since we know so little,
But there is a calm feeling, knowing and hoping.

It must be dreams and prayers that are being answered,
By the Lord who has always been here for us.

We are now headed in a completely new direction,
Blue waters that are so deep and uncertain to us.

We should feel scarred with all the big waves,
And the winds that are hitting our faces.

We have left behind sadness and all the hurts,
To find ourselves anew, full of love and peace.
We have survived, changed, grown with love,
Because we took a chance with God in our hearts,

He has shown us how to grow and be amazed,
And find a place full of love just for us together.

David K. Patterson, © Copyright June 17, 2014

A poem written for my sweetheart Nicole Lynn
For her birthday. She amazes me and is so precious.


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Poetry - Hope



Hope is what keeps us going,,, In the face of adversity and pain.

Hope sings a tune of belief...  And keeps us true to our heart.

Darkness and storms try to overwhelm us...  By carrying doubts, anxieties and fears.

But, they can never be allowed to win the day..  As long as we have dreams of hope and love.

We are so blessed as others stand beside us...  And God is here to guide us along the way.

 believe in you always and a day...  Take my hand and hold on tight for the ride.

Together, we can overcome any obstacles. With actions that matter and a love so true.

David Kingsnorth Patterson

March 2014

A poem of hope and dreams inspired by  my precious best friend, Nicole Lynn.