Why ??
Why did I fall in love with you?
It was something I never expected.
You have a way that simply touches me so…
Sorta makes me feel amazed, so alive babe.
You are so strong willed and yet sensitive too…
We both need our independence that is true.
I wanna love you and share everything with you…
You are beyond belief and one in a million.
Can we even understand what really happened?
Or, even what we both feel even now?
Maybe, but maybe you need to tell me again,
Come teach me some more and change my world.
Love can be so simple and oh so mysterious,
It touches your heart and brings you inside.
You amaze me my Love Flower as I say,
“Come love me like no one ever has before.”
Things fly by and happen for reasons for sure,
Let’s take it slow and know that all this is true.
A gifted woman like you is just so rare,
Many can’t seem to see and know what I happen to.
You are so smart and have with a way with words,
Intuitive and knowing so I can never hide feelings.
(Ha! I want you to know all I am and think)
Hurt by life, you still want it all so much honey,
I feel lots that is for sure, and can only say …
“Nicole Lynn I am so in love with you, oh yeah!”
And want to see the best for you and me.
Let us step slowly and dance along together,
Making sense of each day as we learn to make it work.
Take my hand and hold on tight for such a ride,
I will love you precious and make it all so special for you.
David K. Patterson, Copyright (c) December 14th 2011
Nicole, I was lying here on the bed thinking about you,
And these words came to me. I had to tell you again that
I love and adore you so much – And I really do babe.